At our charity, we are dedicated to supporting nurses who are battling cancer and their families. We believe that everyone deserves access to quality care, regardless of their financial situation

Our Mission

Our mission is to raise awareness about cancer and its impact on the nursing community. We aim to support cancer patients and their families by providing access to resources, information, and support services. We believe that by working together, we can make a difference in the lives of those fearless healthcare workers affected by cancer.

About the Foundation

Carolyn Hilburn worked as a Registered Nurse for roughly four decades before being diagnosed and ultimately succumbing to ovarian cancer. The Carolyn Hilburn Foundation, established in her honor, purposes to assist nurses on the frontline of healthcare who are experiencing their own battle with cancer. Our goal is to provide financial assistance to these heroes and serve them with the same compassion and help they have given to others.

Upcoming events

M1 vs M2 Charity Kickball Showdown

Tuesday, March 26th
September 2023
To be announced
Winter 2023
To be announced
Spring 2024
To be announced

Our team & staff

we share the same vision, which is to help brothers around the world

Eleanor Pena
Event Manager
Chirs Doe
Staff Event
Eleanor Pena
Event Manager
Chirs Doe
Staff Event

Our team & staff

If you would like more information about how to get involved please reach out
Founder: Brookie Hilburn

Charity event in Australia

14 October 2020
Events held
$ +
Total Charity Raised
Nurses assisted

Please consider donating to The Carolyn Hilburn Cancer Foundation

This foundation memorialalizes the giving spirit of Carolyn Hilburn and honors her life and work by offering compassionate support to nurses battling cancer.

Encouragement Letter Form for Nurses Battling Cancer